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what really matters


everyone and welcome back to another blog post, so yesterday I came across a sort of poetry post, it was actually really good and it made realize something

On last week’s post I talked about the importance of little details like dressing feminine because it was part of becoming more feminine, But the truth is that what really matter will always and forever be our hearts

Our hearts, the ones that show kindness if they do, the heart of a giver, the heart of lover and a forgiving heart

The broken hearted and the hearts that are full toxicity and I might as well tell you about the healing heart

All of them, what really matters is what is inside of us, yes dressing feminine can help you, but if you don’t have a kind heart let me tell you you will have a difficulty when it comes to be feminine, when it comes to be warm

I encourage you ladies to start today, start by warming a little bit more our hearts

Make a letter to a friend telling how much you appreciate them, be grateful about everything you have and start giving little compliments

You don’t have to do this step by step, but a simple act of kindness will do to start getting a warmer heart in this world full of colds

A warmer heart means a welcoming heart, not perfect, but one that embraces all flaws and loves them, one that isn’t afraid to give or love, and believe me that today what people need isn’t a little bit of money but rather love and support

In a cold world a warm heart is priceless, and even without cold, a warm heart will always be appreciated

With lots of love


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